
Announcing Commercial Support for Open Source Chef

Supporting our customers has always been top of our priority list here at Opscode. Ensuring that you, the customer, are successful at learning and leveraging the considerable power of Chef requires a team of dedicated professionals. Opscode has historically been a community-driven product, with collaboration and openness at the forefront of that movement. Opscode employees are active in the community forums, mailing list and IRC channels as well as the official support site. Now, Opscode is taking Chef support to a new level with the Two Tier support offering.

Starting today, Opscode will offer commercial support to all users of Opscode Chef 11. These new plans will give previously undefined service level agreements to the Open Source community, as well as standardize the overall Support Offerings. The two types of paid support plans are Standard and Premium, although you still have the option of submitting tickets without a support agreement.


Severity Definitions

Severity of issues can be perceived differently by each individual. Opscode seeks to standardize what is considered when defining severity.

·         Severity 1: Core Chef API service functionality is unavailable or widespread client failure

·         Severity 2: Core Chef API service functionality is available however other services are limited or inaccessible

·         Severity 3: Core Chef API  service functionality is available minor degradation in service

Premium Support

Premium support provides the highest level of support from Opscode. The following table shows the different Severity SLA’s.

Severity Response Time Submission Method
1 30 minutes 24x7x365 Web-based ticketing system
2 1 Hour 6-6 PT M-F Web-based ticketing system
3 3 Hours 6-6 PT M-F Web-based ticketing system or email*
4 No SLA Web-based ticketing system or email*

*All tickets submitted by email will be classified as Severity 3 by default. Severity 4 issues are product feature requests and will be tracked in order to provide updates to customers but do not have a response SLA associated with them.

Standard Support

Standard support provides you with guaranteed and competitive SLA’s. The following table shows the different Severity SLA’s.

Severity Response Time Submission Method
1 1 Hour 6-6 PT M-F Web based ticketing system
2 3 Hours 6-6 PT M-F Web based ticketing system
3 24 Hours 6-6 PT M-F Web based ticketing system or email*
4 No SLA Web based ticketing system or email*

*All tickets submitted by email will be classified as Severity 3 by default. Severity 4 issues are product feature requests and will be tracked in order to provide updates to customers but do not have a response SLA associated with them.

Free Support

Opscode will continue to offer free support to all Chef users. Users who wish to submit a ticket via email or the web-based support ticketing system may still do so. All tickets submitted will be categorized without an SLA, and no guarantee regarding response time. Opscode will work hard to respond to all customers submitting tickets without a support agreement in the order in which they were submitted. You can purchase a support agreement at any time by contacting Opscode Sales.

Opscode will continue to support the thriving Chef community with support representatives actively participating in the mailing list, community forum and IRC.

Hosted and Private Chef

If you purchase Hosted or Private Chef, you receive Standard Support with the option to upgrade to Premium support at any time.

Open Source Chef

If you are an Open Source Chef user, you have the option to purchase Standard or Premium support at any time. Contact sales@opscode.com to find out more on pricing and options.

Pauly Comtois