Chef at DevOpsDays Boston – Wrap-Up

DevOpsDays Boston continues to grow and grow at a rapid pace. Because of this, the event was hosted at the beautiful Park Plaza this year rather than the traditional Microsoft Nerd Center. Among other changes, the typical sweatshirts were ditched for Tea Party related t-shirts encouraging the dumping of “egos,” “blame,” and “silos”. The day was kicked off by the tireless organizer Dave Fredricks, quickly followed by a key note by Eliot Murphy about “Redefining Collaboration Norms as Your Company Grows.”

Chef was masterfully highlighted in the talk, “DevOps in the Intelligence Community,” given by Michael Kristan of the MITRE Corporation. Michael described Inspec and the compliance feature of Chef Automate as forward thinking and amazing tools.

Chef booth at DevOpsDays BostonAfter lunch, the booth was swarmed with questions about Habitat. We presented many live demos in our breakout room. Both the Chef Automate and Habitat demos were widely attended even with the temptation of free beer next door at the Happy Hour.  A special thanks to Seth Thomas and Andre Elizondo for staying late after the event to continue talking about how Habitat is transforming the automation story around applications.

For evening entertainment, there were several Happy Hours being hosted by various sponsors including G2 and NS1.

If you’re in the Boston area, I would highly recommend joining the Boston DevOps Meetup group. They continue to do amazing work around educating people about the methodologies and benefits of moving to the DevOps workflow.

I’d like to personally thank all of the organizers and support staff that helped organize DevOpsDays Boston. This year was biggest it has yet and I look forward to participating again next years.

Fraser Pollock

Fraser Pollock is a Solutions Architect focused on spreading the love of Chef and the automation of all the things. He is based in Boston Mass and working hard to introduce companies to the Dev Ops methodologies.