
Videos of Customer Success with Chef

Chef is everywhere, or at least we try to be. From DevOpsDays to reInvent, meetups to ChefConf, to the constant stream of field engagements, success engineering projects, trainings, and much more, our team is out there and engaging with every aspect of the Chef community and the broader IT industry on a daily basis.

Quite often we’re asked for real world examples of Chef success – who’s done it, what they achieved, and, most importantly, how did they get there? To take a phrase from our friend Rob Cummings at Nordstrom, what’s success look like on “the DevOps Roller Coaster”?


Until now, we’ve often pointed folks to our Customers page for a variety of case studies and videos that detail the what and how of success with Chef (and DevOps). However, over the course of the past few ChefConfs, we’ve collected a diverse and compelling collection of customer stories about much more than just “using Chef”, but about why to automate at all, how to spread the DevOps vision across an organization, why “speed” isn’t enough, and many more topics critical to achieving success in today’s tumultuous world of IT.

For example, our friends at Intuit gave a dynamite session at ChefConf 2015 diving deep into not just their use of Chef, but how they evolved the entire company’s culture using the core principles of DevOps:


There are, of course, hard business decisions to be made in IT today, and improving efficiency is still paramount to success. Take the case of Target, incredible Chef community contributors and a template for achieving tangible business results with DevOps and Chef:


These are just a sampling of the 30 videos currently available on our “Customer Success with Chef” YouTube playlist, which includes presentations from Bloomberg, Gap, Standard Bank, Yahoo and many more. Some are deep technical dives, others philosophical discussions on driving change. Hopefully, no matter your interest in Chef and/or DevOps, there is something for you.

Lucas Welch

Former Chef Employee