
Smitha Ravindran

Smitha is a Content Manager at Progress. She is a software enthusiast who loves to combine her interest in tech with her love for words. After two decades of practicing and teaching computer science, she writes about all things tech. In her spare time, she reads! 


Best Practices to Navigate the Complexities of Kubernetes Security

This blog explores key Kubernetes-related security challenges DevSecOps professionals face and some best practices to mitigate the risks.

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Managing a DevSecOps Environment: How Chef Maturity Assessment Can Help?

Bridging the silos of development, testing and security in a DevOps environment is crucial for achieving tighter cross-team collaboration, faster delivery and higher-quality software. By promoting shared goals, implementing DevSecOps practices, enhancing communication and adopting a shift-left approach, organizations can break down traditional barriers and foster a culture of continuous improvement. In doing so, they not only enhance their DevOps practices but also build a more resilient and secure software development lifecycle. Successful organizations harness Progress Chef to better deploy, configure and manage their entire application infrastructure in a secure and compliant manner.

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Enterprise or Community Chef: What's the Best Choice for You?

If you are unsure about the practicality of choosing Enterprise Chef over the Community version or if you cannot decide, this blog will provide you with the necessary information and directions to make an informed decision.

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7 Key Points to Evaluate When You Buy Compliance Automation Software

Choosing a compliance automation software based on your company’s requirements and IT complexity can be daunting. Especially when there are many players in the market. We have assembled a list of seven key points that you can asses to find the right fit based on your organization's regulatory requirements and IT complexity.

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Discover the All-New Learn Chef: Master the Art of DevSecOps Automation

Learn Chef is migrating from its current web property to a new Progress Education Community from the current platform. This blog explains the reasons, features, and benefits for customers.

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ChefConf ‘23 Keynote Recap: From Any Edge to Any Cloud

This blog is a recap of the keynote session at ChefConf ’23. Key speakers spoke about the common challenges in DevOps/DevSecOps and how Chef helps.

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How Does Chef SaaS Make IT Infrastructure Automation More Efficient?

The primary objective of IT automation is to make processes related to infrastructure faster, more secure and error-free. Chef SaaS enables you to automate your IT infrastructure with the power of the cloud. Now, all your favorite Chef tools are available as SaaS. No setup hassles, no maintenance and no extra resources required. Read on to learn more.

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Why Configuration Management is Important to Being Compliant and Secure

Better configuration management leads to better compliance and security. This blog explains how managing the configurations across your entire IT estate and using a tool like Chef Compliance helps mitigate risks and achieve continuous compliance throughout the CI/CD process.

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Progress Chef Has A Brand-New Support and Learning Hub. Here’s What You Need to Know.

Progress Chef is migrating from our current support site to a new Progress Chef Support & Learning Hub. This blog explains the reasons, features and benefits for the customers. Additionally, the Aha! Ideas (enhancement requests) portal is also undergoing a change which is described here.

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