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ChefConf is the largest community gathering and educational event for teams on the journey to becoming fast, efficient, and innovative software-driven organizations. In other words, you and your team! ChefConf 2018 will take place May 22-25 in Chicago, Illinois and we want you to present! The ChefConf call for presenters (CFP) is now open.

Nathen Harvey

What is CloudBolt? Since you’re reading this blog, we’ll assume that you already know what Chef is, but you may not be as familiar with CloudBolt. CloudBolt is a hybrid cloud management platform that provides an intuitive interface for all IT requests.

Bernard Sanders

InSpec is an agentless compliance scanner, which means that you can use InSpec to perform compliance scans of configuration settings without installing anything, changing configuration settings, or otherwise affecting the state of the machine you are scanning.

Kimberly Garmoe

ChefConf is the largest Chef community gathering and educational event for teams on the journey to becoming fast, efficient, and innovative software-driven organizations. In other words, you and your team! ChefConf 2018 will take place May 22-25 in Chicago, Illinois and we want you to present! The ChefConf call for presenters (CFP) is now open.

Nathen Harvey
Habitat and Kubernetes

Habitat, Chef’s next generation application automation framework, provides a powerful suite of integrated capabilities in service of seamlessly and continuously building, deploying, and running your application and the services that need to run to support and scale your application across a distributed infrastructure.

Tasha Drew

Media Temple has been a leading web hosting provider for nearly 20 years. As a Software Developer there, George Marshall is responsible for focusing on products that help their customers realize their goals in taking their ideas online. We recently interviewed George about how his team is using Chef and Habitat.

Nick Rycar

Here at Chef we have been working with Microsoft to create integrations for Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS). VSTS is an invaluable and versatile tool to bring together pipelines within your environments. The pipelines are made up of tasks. These tasks are either core tasks built into VSTS (e.g.

Russell Seymour

Schuberg Philis is an IT services company that helps their customers realize their digital transformation goals. Joris van Lieshout is a Mission Critical Engineer at Schuberg Philis, and is responsible for designing and supporting infrastructure for a wide array of customers.

Nick Rycar

Today, we’d like to introduce a new feature for Habitat packages that should make it easier to create packages that work the way you want automatically without a lot of extra work from plan authors.