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The inaugural year of any freshly-minted FOSS community is full of new experiences. For the Habitat community, it’s no different: it’s certainly been a year of firsts. The Habitat Community Summit 2016 was a truly awesome and inspiring experience. The turn out and level of participation was absolutely fantastic for a first time event.

Ian Henry

Chef is a company rooted in open source, so community matters a great deal to us. As DevOps goes mainstream, it’s important to ensure we building a strong, inclusive, and diverse community.

Lucas Welch

In the US Mid-West and the Southern part of Ontario, Canada, we’re lucky enough to have several DevOps events spread out from spring to fall. October hails the end of the conference season here, mainly because travel becomes dreadful once it begins to snow!

Andrew DuFour

Chef will cease publishing to Bintray on December 30th, 2016. We will also delete all existing artifacts from on this date. Why are you doing this?

Seth Chisamore

Overview In June this year Chef released an awesome new open-source project called Habitat.

Simon Fisher

The Event Kansas City, Missouri is known for Jazz and BBQ, but within the IT community, it’s increasingly becoming known for its DevOps community. With more than 600 members associated with the local DevOps Kansas City Meetup group, the inaugural DevOpsDays KCMO was ready to be kicked off.

Larry Eichenbaum

This year at the Chef Community Summit in London, fellow engineer Tim Smith and I presented an overview of the state of the Chef ecosystem. We took a look at some of the new functionality available in modern Chef clients.

Thom May

Making mistakes is part of life. But that doesn’t mean blindly making choices, in life, or in technology, without considering whether others have trodden the same path before. Every generation of technology — disruptive or not — brings with it a similar set of challenges as the previous generation, only in a different form.

Julian Dunn

ChefConf 2017 takes place May 22-24, in beautiful Austin, TX, and we want you to present! The ChefConf 2017 call for presentations is now open. We’re excited to hear all the ways you’re using Chef to automate your infrastructure, compliance policies, and applications. Tell us about the successes and pitfalls you’ve encountered along the way.

Lucas Welch